Bacon, Breakdowns & Beaches ~ An Unexpected Stay in Smithfield, VA
Well, the unexpected happened again…another RV breakdown; but boy! is it teaching us the value of good people, an open mind and lots of patience. We were on our way from our beautiful stay at Hampton Roads Winery, heading south when we stopped at a local mechanic to check on a vibration we’d been feeling for a couple days. Unfortunately, they didn’t have time to check on the vibration but we figured we’d be ok until the next stop.
We were wrong! Just after exiting the mechanic driveway, we heard a loud clunking noise, a heavy vibration and then a ‘thud’! The driveshaft had come off and fallen on the road right in front of the mechanic shop! Yikes! Not a good way to start the day or the trip south. We weren’t moving anywhere…..We were stuck on the road. So back to the mechanics who had watched the whole thing right outside their door, but they still said they could not help us, although, they did at least help get us off the road by towing with a tractor.

So after several phone calls, we connected with a mechanic in Smithfield who was willing to take us right away, but we needed to tow the RV to them. Well, at least this time, the driveshaft was already dropped, so the tow driver wouldn’t have to like last time. Thank goodness we signed up for roadside service with our Progressive RV insurance….

After several hours of waiting, we were towed 20 miles to Dave’s Auto Shop in Smithfield. By the way, check out the size of the tow truck…it was huge! I think it’s meant for 18-wheelers, but it towed us really easily.
Once there, Ryan, the mechanic I spoke with on the phone, met us and checked out the driveshaft right away. After inspection and discussion with the other shop mechanics, it was determined that the end of the driveshaft was damaged and had to be repaired by a machine shop along with replacing another set of U-joints. So we were stuck here for a couple days. Normally, it wouldn’t have mattered, but we were suppose to be at another show in Myrtle Beach the next day. Well, that’s not going to happen. ๐ So we had to cancel our exhibit at the show. Disappointing to be sure, but everything happens for a reason, and boy am I learning that one….. It was frustrating as well especially because the U-joints had just been replaced a couple weeks ago. ๐ See the post ‘Expect the Unexpected’ to read about the first breakdowns…..)
So we had to make the best of the situation. And as it turns out, if we had to break down, this was a good place to do it. It is a pleasant town with things to do and see and the gentlemen at Dave’s Auto Shop were so great, very hospitable, helpful, friendly and were doing everything they could to get us back on the road. They moved the RV to a level spot where we could plug in and stay for the couple nights. They even brought us coffee in the morning. Such incredible people!
Although a tough situation, it is so heartwarming to know there are good, decent, honest people still out there.
Once we realized we’d be here awhile, we thought about what we could do and remembered, “Hey, we are in Smithfield, famous for ham and bacon.” So off we went to find some Smithfield ham. And we were not disappointed. We found “A Taste of Smithfield” right on Main Street in downtown and picked up some bacon, ham and some local peanuts. We are in Virginia, afterall.

We drove around the quaint downtown full of shops and beautiful old New England style houses.
Downtown Smithfield Nature reclaiming man Hey, Ben…did you see you misspelled…. An example of the houses in Smithfield Pigs everywhere…
The next day, Eric took the opportunity of being parked to replace the motor on the furnace which was on it’s last leg. Then it was beach time!
We wanted to see the Atlantic, so we drove the Mini, (thank goodness for our towcar) to Hampton, VA and let the pups run on the beach and chase the seabirds. After the beach, we stopped for a seafood lunch at Hampton Seafood Market and Restaurant. The clam chowder was great along with the hushpuppies.

Eric ordered clams and oysters, only 6 of each, but the woman working there was so nice and ended up giving him about a dozen of each. It was a mess of clams and oysters…He loved it!
Then we were off to Virginia Beach for a different view of the Atlantic. Being off-season, it was fairly deserted. We arrived right at dusk and there were Christmas light decorations up and down the beach. It was pretty cool. The displays stretched along the boardwalk with various Christmas themes including Santa, of course, including a fishing Santa, and the Nativity but also a fish, sharks, and an octopus. One never knows what you’ll run into or see in this Gypsy life…..
We spent another peaceful night in the mechanic’s parking lot, hoping for good news in the morning. Nope! The part they ordered wasn’t right, but the guys at Dave’s were determined to get us fixed and on the road. They tried several options and finally, Ryan, the first mechanic, came through and found the right part for our old ’92 Ford chassis. What a hero!
This was Friday evening. They got the Gypsy Mobile running smooth as silk and after one last night in the parking lot, we were on our way south…albeit a couple days later.
Although, somewhat frustrating that we broke down…again, we were given the opportunity to see and taste more of Virginia, but even more important, we found and connected with some absolutely terrific men at Dave’s Auto shop in Smithfield. Seriously, if you ever find yourself broke down in eastern Virginia or in need of service, Dave’s is definitely the place to go. We cannot recommend them enough!
So our adventure continues and so does our learning and especially our gratitude for those that help us along the way. Big hugs to the guys at Dave’s!
Thanks for reading and remember….’Someday …… is today!’
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Thanks so much, Lee! You guys were so amazing. We’ve been smooth sailing ever since. We finally made it to Florida and will stay for the Holidays. Have a very Merry Christmas! Bless all you!
I hope you and Eric have had safe travels since departing Smithfield. Merry Christmas
I hope that you and Eric have had safe travels since departing Smithfield. Merry Christmas