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Enjoying Art and Nature in Gulfport, Florida

ART WALK day in Gulfport. Continuing on our Great Loop adventure, we are spending a week in Gulfport, Florida. We arrived in Gulfport on Saturday, December 3, and checked out the town’s event calendar… oh my gosh, so much to do! Who knew this little town between Clearwater and St Petersburg would be so interesting. From ballroom dancing, concerts and Tuesday’s Fresh Market to a weekend Art Walk. Gulfport, FL has so much going on, including art and nature to enjoy.

As luck would have it, we happened to arrive just in time for the Art Walk weekend. Yay! Continuing on Sunday, Dec 4, the Art Jones Art Walk visited nine local Gulfport artists at their studios throughout the town. So we took advantage of this fun opportunity to see some local art.

Curtis Whitwam, talented artist in watercolor. We were so impressed with his amazing watercolor work. It has so much depth and detail. We especially like the mangrove subjects which is what we purchased. #curtiswhitwam

We chose to walk, instead of riding our bikes, not realizing how far apart the studios were…..but we did get lots of exercise. 😂 It was also a great way to explore this quaint town and all the adorable 40’s and 50’s bungalows and beautiful tropical landscapes along the way. The walk was great fun; we saw some beautiful artwork and got to speak with the artists about their style and work, which is always interesting. We were able to buy two prints. We couldn’t afford the originals, unfortunately. And we had to buy smaller versions – we are on a boat with limited wall space after all. But we are very happy to have some local art to put on our boat.

Three of the artists we particularly liked were Curtis Whitwam, watercolor, #curtiswhitwam (www.curtiswhitwam.org); Dorian Angello, designer, photographer, artist, #dorianangello (www.beachaus.com); and Herlys Perez, photographer, #herlysperez (www.integrativeimages.com).

We walked around town for several hours viewing art, nature, downtown Gulfport and old neighborhoods and finally walked back to the Gulfport Municipal marina, our home for a week. On the way back, we passed through the Clymer Park Art Walk on Beach Blvd (the permanent art trail and park) and strolled along small side streets enjoying nature and the beautiful tropical landscapes in peoples’ yards.

This place is so adorable. The area of town we are in is the marina and art district and the historic waterfront district. We walked by some older neighborhoods with 40’s and 50’s era houses, all of them smaller than today’s giant houses. They are so cute and cool. And there is so much lush landscapes everywhere!

We are loving this town! This is definitely a recommended place to visit for anyone who likes culture and a bit ‘out of the box’ area. So quirky and delightful.

The sun is setting on the marina. Bonne Nuit to another wonderful day.

As always, enjoy the post and pics and remember to sign up with your email so you can be alerted when a new post is up.

Thanks for the support… More on Gulfport in the next post.

Till next time, keep making your someday…today.

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