After 50 Lifestyle & Inspiration

25 FREE Ways to Enjoy Life After 50

Free ways to Enjoy Life

Have you reached that wonderful age number of 50? (Or maybe you’re close) That’s awesome! Being in our 50’s may have it’s challenges but it’s also marvelous. We can see the importance of enjoying life. We would love to be able to travel and have those awesome experiences we’ve been reading about, but maybe finances are tight and travel is just not possible right now. Not to worry; I’ve got you covered. You can still have fun and enjoy life without spending money. What you need is some fresh and fun ideas to enjoy life after 50 that does not cost anything. So I’ve compiled the following list of 25 FREE Ways to Enjoy Life After 50. I think you’ll find a lot of great ideas to try!

1. Go for a walk.

Walking is so good for us. It helps revive a tired body; refreshes our mind with fresh air; provides some exercise; and it’s free and is easily done anytime and anywhere.

2. Visit a local park with your dog.

Bring your furry buddy to the local park to give both of you some exercise, a change of scenery or maybe grab a blanket and just chill or read a book. How often do we drive by these wonderful gems and not take advantage of all they have to offer.

3. Read a classic literature book.

Do you have a book shelf full of those great classics that you’ve always wanted to read. Well, now’s the time. Go dust off that old hardcover and start reading…maybe at the park. 😉

4. Stargaze

Free Ways to Enjoy Life After 50

Stargazing is a great free way to enjoy life after 50. If you’re lucky enough to live in a more rural area, you can do some stargazing in your own backyard. But if you live in a city with lots of lights, you’ll want to take a drive outside the city so you can see the stars better. Grab a star map or constellation book so you can find specific stars and know where and what to look for.

5. Go to a nearby National Park.

Our national parks are true gems in our country and there are so many, there’s bound to be one close to you. If you are 62 or over, you can purchase a lifetime pass for a one time fee of $80. And every National Park is free for life. If you are not 62, you can purchase an annual pass for $80, and visit as many National Parks you want for free for a year. So although, this idea has some initial money upfront, it will give you so many places to visit and things to do, the small cost will be well worth it.

6. Yoga & meditation.

If you’ve been reading my posts, you know I’ve recommended yoga and meditation before. I love yoga and it has so many benefits, especially for us over 50’s. If you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it. And you don’t have to spend money and go to a class, (although that can be an option). There are plenty of how-to’s online or even books to get you started. And yoga is a great way to stay healthy on the road too. So this can be another free way to enjoy life after 50.

7. Start a book club.

Grab some friends and select a book to read. Then schedule a time to discuss it. Not only will you finally read that book you’ve been wanting to read, but you’ll get to meet with friends as a bonus!

8. Volunteer at a library.

You can volunteer to read to children at your local library.

9. Write a poem or short story.

Write a poem or short story, maybe about you or a part of your life. It could be a real healing idea and you might even discover the writer inside you.

10. Check out Free symphony concerts in the park.

Often local youth symphonies will play free concerts. Or even regular symphonies will have special free performances. So check out their website and enjoy some music.

11. Drive to the top of a mountain and watch the sunrise or sunset.

This is literally something we can do any day. There is just something magical about watching the sunrise or sunset, especially from a grand vista.

Free Ways to Enjoy Life After 50

12. Plan a girls night at home.

Invite a few friends, choose a movie on Netflix or your DVD collection, (preferably something fun and romantic) make some popcorn, open a bottle of wine and have a great free evening.

13. Start a new hobby

This could cost money, but it doesn’t have to depending on the hobby you chose. Do some searching on the internet or Pinterest to spark some new hobby ideas.

14. Get creative with junk.

Find some old items or stuff from the junk pile and create a piece of art, yard art, or a cool looking welcome sign. Instead of throwing it all away, you might find some fun stuff to use and get your creative juices flowing.

15. Learn to ballroom dance.

25 Free Ways to Enjoy Life After 50

Taking dance lessons from a professional is probably the best way to learn, but it can be pricey. So to keep this idea a free way to enjoy life, try searching for you tube videos you can follow to get you started. Plus dancing is a great way to keep your relationship with your spouse fun and intimate.

16. Bake something to share.

Bake a batch of cookies and bring them to a local school, for the kids and teachers, or to the local police or fire station. They will be so grateful and happy to have them and you’ll feel great for sharing. Plus, you won’t be stuck eating all the cookies yourself. Ha!

17. Go camping.

If you are ok with ‘roughing it’, camping doesn’t have to cost much. Pack some food, your tent and gear and go enjoy some serious nature.

18. Have a pillow fight or water balloon fight.

I know this sounds kinda silly, but that’s ok. We may be over 50, but that doesn’t mean we can’t act like kids once in a while. It can be just you and your spouse, or if you want, invite some friends over during the summer for a wine and water balloon fight. It’ll be fun!

19. Learn a new language.

There are plenty of free language apps (like Duo-lingo or Babble) that you can download to help you learn a new language. The key is to be consistent, so try to spend 15-20 minutes a day on the app.

20. Enjoy sex and intimacy.

Yep, this one is definitely a free way to enjoy life after 50! Sex and intimacy can be amazing after 50. Keep the spark and desire alive. Surprise your spouse with a night (or mid-day) romp in bed.

21. Take an online class

There are free classes online you can take to learn something new. Whether a webinar that teaches a new skill to further your career or start a new one or an online course on a subject you’ve always wanted to know about; maybe art history, Shakespeare or wine tasting. Sites like the Great Courses have thousands of courses to choose from.

22. Learn a new cooking style.

Are you tired of the same old dinners and need something new and different. Learn a new cooking style or branch out with a new recipe. Try a French or Indian cooking class. You can find free how-to videos on You Tube to get you started.

23. Participate in a local theater production.

You don’t have to be trained actor to have fun in a theater production. Local theaters are always looking for people to join their groups. Maybe start with a small part or a behind the scenes support until you feel comfortable taking on a larger role. You might just find you love being a thespian after all.

Free Ways to Enjoy Life After 50

24. Be a pet sitter or dog walker.

Not only is this a free way to enjoy life, it can also be a way to earn a little fun money. Animals can have such a positive effect on us. And knowing you are also helping their owners when you pet sit or offer to walk their dogs adds even more to the experience.

25. Have a deep conversation with your spouse.

Share your deep feelings, struggles and wins with your spouse. Pour a glass of wine and let the conversation flow. Don’t be afraid to talk about anything. Communicating with your spouse is one of the best ways to keep the relationship strong and it’s also a fabulous free way to enjoy life after 50.

Enjoy Life!!

We can enjoy our life right now, even if money is tight. Trying one, two or several of these free ways to enjoy life will help you add variety, fun and learning as you continue your journey into the fabulous 50’s.

Be sure to let me know if any of these ideas helped. Which one are you going to try first? Or do you have any of your own ideas to enjoy life that you want to share? I’d love to hear your comments. Thanks so much for reading. And keep making your someday, today. xoxo ~ Kathleen

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