After 50 Lifestyle & Inspiration

Are You Stuck? 10 Simple Ways to Get Out of a Rut.

We’ve all been there. We go through our days doing the same things…over and over. Wake up to the annoying alarm; drink coffee while we slowly wake up; maybe plan the day, (but then the day is really the same as yesterday and last week); shower and ready for work; listen to news radio on the commute; make it through the work day without much fuss; back home to dinner, clean up, TV and bed, so we can get up and do it all over again the next day. BORING! We are in a rut.

Can you relate? I’ve certainly been there too. It’s the day in and day out drudgery and sameness that wears on us and can be tough to break free from. How do you get out of this rut, this same old routine, and stay excited about a new day? In this article, I’m going to offer some suggestions on ways to get out of a rut, change things up, and live and love your life again. And I’ll be honest, I need to remind myself to keep doing these suggestions too. 🙂

1. Make a change, even a simple change.

Change can be scary but change is so good. If you are stuck in the same routine, change is your best friend. A simple change can make a big difference. Some suggestions:

  • Get up earlier and use that time to read a book you’ve been putting off reading;
  • Drive a different route to work;
  • Listen to a new kind of music you normally don’t listen to;
  • Even changing from coffee to tea every other day; or skip the coffee for some lemon water instead every couple days…just to mix it up. Plus water is sooooooo good for you!

2. Get outside

Fresh air is awesome to change up a stale routine. Cold or warm, being outside brings such a refreshment to your mind and soul. Try to spend as much time as you can outside. Maybe have that morning hot drink outside instead of the kitchen; take a brisk 15 minute walk before your shower or when you get home; walk your dog on a trail; spend some time planting flowers or other plants or pots. It doesn’t have to be something very time consuming or a big event like a long hike (although that would be great too 😉 ). Just get outside and breath in that fresh, exhilarating air.

Get out of a rut by walking your dog.
“Are you coming?” Take your pup on a walk!

3. Meet with a friend or go on a date with your spouse.

People! People make such a difference in our everyday lives. But when we are in a rut, we can sometimes forget how important they are. So call up a friend and plan a meeting and then make sure it happens. Or plan a special date night with your spouse. Something different than what you would normally do. Maybe if you always go out to dinner, go bowling instead or visit a miniature golf place or an arcade. The key is to plan something different and watch the fun happen!

4. Get up early to meditate

There is plenty of research on the benefits of meditation and so many top performers, influencers, Wall Street execs and highly successful (and happy) people use meditation to deal with stress, anxiety and stay refreshed. To read more on reasons why meditation works, check out this article by Mindful magazine. Here is a list of a few reasons to try meditation from the article.

  • You’ll sleep better;
  • Less stress = more happy;
  • Reduce pain and heal faster;
  • Reduce anxiety;
  • Helps reduce negative thoughts so you smile more;
Meditation can help get out of a rut.
Meditation to reduce stress and increase happiness and peace.

5. Learn something new

Keep learning and keep the brain fresh and strong. The ‘use it or lose it’ phrase can apply to our brains as well as our muscles. Try to learn something new everyday. It could be a new skill, a new idea, a new quality about a friend or spouse you never saw before, some new historical fact, even a new word to increase your vocabulary. The key is to keep learning, no matter how small the idea, thought or skill. It will keep your brain active and give you something new and different every day to help move you out of the rut.

6. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in awhile.

Life gets so busy and mundane, for all of us. And with that busyness and routine, we lose connection with old friends. So another way to get out of that rut…call an old friend you haven’t spoken with or seen for a long time. Just do it. And if possible, try not to take the easy way and Facebook message them. A real voice will resonate so much more. You will change up your routine and as an extra bonus, your friends day will be better too. It’ll be a beautiful gift you’ll give your friend. Yay!

Get out of a rut by calling a friend.

7. Cook a new kind of food. Or visit a totally different restaurant.

Meal preparation and cooking is an easy area to get into a rut. When life is routine, creativity can go out the window. But cooking can be an easy way to change and get your creative juices flowing again. I’m mean, we have to eat everyday, so why not use that for fun and creativity rather than making it a boring task we have to get done.

  • Find an ethnic food you’ve never had before. I’d never had Indian food before and the other night we went to a restaurant and wow!, what a different flavor experience;
  • Subscribe to a cooking magazine for some new ideas;
  • Check out some you tube videos on a new cooking style you haven’t tried;
  • Or even set the table with your best china and create your own white tablecloth experience at home.

8. Be courageous & seize a new opportunity.

A sure fire way to change up a routine…look for new opportunities. It could be as big as a new job or career or a move to a new town or as small as volunteering at the library reading to kids. It could be learning about new online jobs you might do or saying yes when a friend asks you to help with a new project. New opportunities are always popping up, but we need to stay alert and aware of when they come and not be afraid to take the step and make a change. It will spark new goals, new dreams and maybe a new direction, but will also help get out of that rut!

9. Travel to a local historic or natural park.

Yes, we are busy and it’s tough to get away, but seeing new things is so important to breaking the routine. And what better way than to do some ‘Backyard Traveling’. No matter where you live, there is always a wonderful site or park to visit. And if you are like me, there are many right in your own backyard that you have never visited. So take a day trip and visit that quaint town, or national park, or historic marker, or new winery. It will bring some fresh vision and add some travel experience to your list.

Visit a park or monument to get out of a rut.

10. Find a new hobby or delve deeper into a passion that’s grown cold.

Has that passion for woodworking been put on the back burner? Did that love of interior design get set aside because of work? How about that enjoyment you get when you capture a beautiful photo? Now’s the time to get back into your passion.

Take a short course online to learn more about your passion or be inspired to delve into it again. Set aside time once a week, even if just for a couple of hours, to pursue your passion or new hobby. Check out Pinterest for new ideas. (Note of caution: Pinterest can be a time sucking rabbit hole, so give yourself limits on how long you spend researching. 😉 ) Giving yourself time to pursue what you really love is one of the best ways to break the routine and get out of a rut. And you may just find a new career in the process. 🙂

We can all get into that boring day-to-day rut. But there are simple steps and ways we can break the routine and add some freshness and passion back into our lives. Make a change, get outside, date your spouse, meditate, learn something new, call a friend, eat a new food, seize opportunities, travel in your backyard and reignite your passion or hobby. Armed with these tips and suggestions, you’ll be on your way out of the rut and into loving your life again. You can do it! So get out there and let’s make a change together!

How was the list? Were you inspired to get out of your rut? Which one really resonated with you? I’d love to hear your comments. And as always, keep loving life and making your Someday, Today.

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